Histamine intolerance

Citric acid and histamine intolerance

Look at online nutritional recommendations about histamine intolerance and almost every website or journal will have citric acid on a list of prohibited substances. The reasons for why it is not tolerated vary greatly, but common to all these sources of information is the lack of clarity over where this assertion about citric acid comes from. Since citric acid is used so commonly in our everyday lives, it’s worth taking a closer look at the current state of research.


Probiotics for histamine intolerance

The question of whether probiotics can help with histamine intolerance is a topic of interest for many of our users. There are supplements to be found on the market that are marketed as very effective for histamine intolerance, while others are supposedly less suitable since they contain lactic acid bacteria with the genetic ability to produce histamine. Here we take a closer look at what we know about the relationship between histamine and our intestine and consider what is still to be learned.


Coconut aminos and histamine intolerance

Soy sauce is a versatile seasoning sauce that can make many dishes taste that little bit better by giving them an extra flavor. However, it is high in histamine and glutamate and based on soy. Consumers with an intolerance to these substances require an alternative, which is where coconut aminos comes in. Here we examine its viability as a soy substitute.


What role does mast cell disorder play in Long COVID?

Current reporting on COVID-19 tends to focus heavily on two areas: serious cases, where patients require intensive care treatment, and the number of deaths. Now, we are gradually seeing an increasing number of people still suffering from the associated health problems of COVID-19, however mildly, many months after becoming infected. These long-term consequences of the coronavirus are often referred to as "Long COVID" or Post-COVID Syndrome. Here we summarize the current findings surrounding Long COVID and explore the involvement of mast cells in the case of infection as well as the implications for those with a histamine intolerance.


New insights about yeast and histamine intolerance

Many nutrition guides label yeast as unsuitable for people with a histamine intolerance. Some claim that the yeast itself contains histamine, others say that the yeast in foods like bread or beer produces enormous amounts of histamine. In addition, yeast and yeast extract are often treated as the same thing. We take a closer look at these statements and explain what’s really going on.

Yeast and histamine intolerance

The corona virus and food intolerances

The corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been underestimated for a long time and has changed the world as we know it with breathtaking speed. Drastic measurements have to be taken to contain the spread of the disease. Now many of our users feel insecure and want to know whether they have to fear a more severe course of the disease.
