Food Intolerances

Citric acid and histamine intolerance

Look at online nutritional recommendations about histamine intolerance and almost every website or journal will have citric acid on a list of prohibited substances. The reasons for why it is not tolerated vary greatly, but common to all these sources of information is the lack of clarity over where this assertion about citric acid comes from. Since citric acid is used so commonly in our everyday lives, it’s worth taking a closer look at the current state of research.


Oxalic acid and oxalates for Android

A low-oxalate diet is a topic of interest for many of our users. People are generally familiar with oxalates as being the substance that makes up most kidney stones, but they can also cause problems for sufferers of food intolerances.

This information has been available for iPhone on our app for some time, and we are now finally able to provide it for Android too. The update can be downloaded free of charge for all users that have purchased the app. Let’s take a closer look at what new information you can find.


Does oxalic acid in plant milk increase the risk of kidney stones?

As recently as a few years ago, plant-based milk alternatives were considered an exotic, niche product. Today, however, they enjoy incredible popularity and are available in a multitude of varieties. These include milk from:
  • grains: oat, rice, spelt
  • legumes: soy, pea, lupine
  • nuts: almond, hazelnut, cashew, macadamia
  • and other sources: coconut, hemp, quinoa

Probiotics and food intolerances: some interesting facts

Our intestinal tract contains around 39 trillion microorganisms that help us break down indigestible food components – fiber, for example – for the body to make use of them. Most of the intestinal flora is found in the large intestine. Over time, the metabolic processes of many lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria have become closely interlinked with our own, resulting in a symbiosis that benefits both the bacteria and the host. The bacteria get nutrients and a fertile place to multiply and in return form vitamins and short-chain fatty acids that are essential for many bodily functions.


You’re histamine intolerant. Which beers can you drink?

It’s the amber nectar, the answer to the question you can’t remember, and, to quote Homer Simpson, “the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems”. Beer is a beverage enjoyed by millions, but delicious though it may be to many, it can wreak bodily havoc in people with histamine intolerance. Indeed, those who suffer often have very poor tolerance to beer, yet some consume it nonetheless. Here we take a closer look at what beer-drinkers with histamine intolerance need to consider.


Enjoying Christmas with a histamine intolerance

The Christmas season is fast approaching and while normally a cause for celebration, it also signals a period of worry for people with histamine intolerance, as they consider the potential side effects of the now-traditional culinary indulgence over the holidays. In this article we will look at what you can do to minimize your seasonal digestive discomfort.


Probiotics for histamine intolerance

The question of whether probiotics can help with histamine intolerance is a topic of interest for many of our users. There are supplements to be found on the market that are marketed as very effective for histamine intolerance, while others are supposedly less suitable since they contain lactic acid bacteria with the genetic ability to produce histamine. Here we take a closer look at what we know about the relationship between histamine and our intestine and consider what is still to be learned.


Is corn high in salicylic acid and salicylates?

Our users often email us to ask why our Food Intolerances app does not flag corn products as potentially unsafe for sufferers of salicylate intolerance. In response, this article will analyze the origin and factual accuracy of the statement that corn contains a high amount of salicylate.



Are eggs off-limits if you suffer from histamine intolerance?

If you run a quick Google search for “histamine intolerance,” you will find list after list containing foods that may be eaten and those that may not. On the unsuitable foods list is egg white, which is classified as a histamine liberator. Egg yolk, on the other hand, is on the permitted list as it is considered to be tolerable. But take a closer look and you will notice that there is never an indication of the origin of this information. So where does the statement come from that says histamine intolerance sufferers should avoid eggs?


Food intolerance: The long and difficult road to diagnosis

Many people believe that they suffer from food intolerance, yet it can be incredibly difficult to get a diagnosis at all. Sometimes it takes years until there is certainty. This can be a very frustrating situation, since the right dietary adjustments can improve the well-being of affected people significantly.


Fragrance allergy: Balsam of Peru

Most people have probably never heard of the term balsam of Peru, nevertheless, it is very likely that you come into contact with it on a daily basis. Balsam of Peru is a resin that is harvested from the balsam tree that occurs in Central America. The resin contains a broad spectrum of fragrances and essential oils, which makes it a very valuable ingredient for the cosmetics industry. Virtually all products that contain fragrances may contain one or more compounds from balsam of Peru.


I’m lactose-intolerant. Should I use lactose-free butter?

If you have recently been diagnosed with a lactose intolerance, you may be unsure of what you can and cannot eat, which might mean that you carefully avoid anything that could potentially contain lactose, including butter.


Does glucose increase the absorption of fructose in the intestine?

“Eat some glucose with a serving of fruit and your body will better absorb the fructose contained in the food.” Such a statement can be found on many a nutrition website, along with the claim that just one glucose tablet can remedy any digestive ailment. But is this actually the case? The idea that consuming glucose can improve the absorption of fructose makes sense in theory, since it tilts the fructose-glucose ratio in favor of glucose. In practice, however, this is not borne out by the facts.


Coconut aminos and histamine intolerance

Soy sauce is a versatile seasoning sauce that can make many dishes taste that little bit better by giving them an extra flavor. However, it is high in histamine and glutamate and based on soy. Consumers with an intolerance to these substances require an alternative, which is where coconut aminos comes in. Here we examine its viability as a soy substitute.


What role does mast cell disorder play in Long COVID?

Current reporting on COVID-19 tends to focus heavily on two areas: serious cases, where patients require intensive care treatment, and the number of deaths. Now, we are gradually seeing an increasing number of people still suffering from the associated health problems of COVID-19, however mildly, many months after becoming infected. These long-term consequences of the coronavirus are often referred to as "Long COVID" or Post-COVID Syndrome. Here we summarize the current findings surrounding Long COVID and explore the involvement of mast cells in the case of infection as well as the implications for those with a histamine intolerance.


Erythritol, xylitol, and stevia: an answer to fructose intolerance?

People with a fructose intolerance are often reluctant to consume foods containing sucrose, the chemical name for table sugar, since the compound consists of 50% fructose (and 50% glucose). Instead, sufferers opt for expensive sugar substitutes that are often specifically marketed as fructose-free alternatives. Here we take a closer look at three substitutes – xylitol, erythritol, and stevia – and assess their pros and cons compared to regular household sugar.


Nickel allergy from kitchen appliances: What you need to know

A nickel allergy is primarily caused by objects containing nickel, such as jewelry, buttons, or doorknobs, coming into direct contact with the skin. In severe cases, however, symptoms can also develop through an excess of nickel in your diet.

Many common kitchen utensils contain nickel, and the potential danger they pose to consumers is an important question to consider, both for allergy sufferers and those without an allergy to nickel. We have analyzed the effects of three types of kitchen utensils on your exposure to nickel: cookware (pots and pans), kettles, and taps.


Histamine intolerance and reheated dishes

Fresh foods usually don't contain histamine and other biogenic amines, those are primarily formed during the microbial decomposition of certain amino acids in the food. The degree to which a meal is contaminated with histamine mainly depends on several factors.


How the low FODMAP diet can be used to manage IBS

More and more, the low FODMAP diet is successfully used for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. And with the proper guidance it can easily be adopted: By avoiding certain carbohydrates that cause problems when eaten in large quantities you can significantly reduce the stress on your digestive tract. We explain the principles of this approach as well as its limits.

Onions FODMAPs

New insights about yeast and histamine intolerance

Many nutrition guides label yeast as unsuitable for people with a histamine intolerance. Some claim that the yeast itself contains histamine, others say that the yeast in foods like bread or beer produces enormous amounts of histamine. In addition, yeast and yeast extract are often treated as the same thing. We take a closer look at these statements and explain what’s really going on.

Yeast and histamine intolerance

The corona virus and food intolerances

The corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been underestimated for a long time and has changed the world as we know it with breathtaking speed. Drastic measurements have to be taken to contain the spread of the disease. Now many of our users feel insecure and want to know whether they have to fear a more severe course of the disease.


Common misconceptions about sorbitol intolerance

When you’re researching sorbitol intolerance online, you‘ll probably encounter a lot if unreliable information. We give you an overview about the most important facts and clear up some common misconceptions.

Dried fruit can contain high amounts of sorbitol.

How to create recipes with our apps for iOS

We just finished our latest updates for our iOS apps Food Intolerances, Natural Food Guide and OxiPur, which give you great new features and countless improvements. You can now add foods to your list of favorites and, more importantly, enter you own recipes. This enables you to quickly assess the ingredients of your meals.



Glutamates: Are they really dangerous?

Every food can be turned into a tasty meal, but some seem to have an especially savory flavor that just makes your mouth water. What's their secret?


Food Intolerances among the Best Nutrition Apps for 2019

We are really thrilled to tell you that our app Food Intolerances was selected by Healthline as one of the best nutrition apps for 2019. We are delighted to have received this award for the 4th time now and promise to continue our endeavors to be the best app for this complicated topic!


Magnesium deficiency and chronic diseases

Most people probably know magnesium deficiency in connection with muscular cramps. But its potential role in the development of chronic diseases hasn't received much attention from medical researchers: It may in fact have been underestimated for a long time. In the following you will learn more about potential risk factors and how to prevent a deficiency.


What is the glycemic index of beer?

The glycemic index of beer is subject of a heated debate: The values you can find on various websites vary considerably. But what is the correct value? The answer is a lot more complex than you'd think.


Possible causes for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disease of the intestine that causes recurrent abdominal pain and discomfort. In the Western world 10–20 % of the population are affected. To date, the exact causes of IBS are still unclear, but it is very likely that IBS is caused by a combination of different disorders.


When does restricting your diet make sense?

If you suffer from food intolerances, certain constituents of the food may be responsible for a broad variety of symtoms. The obvious conclusion would be to cut all foods from the diet, that contain these constituents. However, such an avoidance strategy also carries risks.


Are sulfites dangerous for people suffering from food sensitivities?

Sulfites are used as preservatives, because they inhibit the discoloring and the spoilage of foods very effectively. They are generally regarded as safe, however, in isolated cases they may cause severe adverse reactions and several fatal incidents have been reported so far. There is a lot of confusion about potential health effects, therefore, we put together the latest information about sulfites.


A small sugar compendium: fructose, sorbitol and FODMAP explained

If you suffer from certain kinds of carbohydrate malabsorption you are often confronted with names of chemical compounds – it is often very easy to become confused. Therefore, we put together a small compendium that can be used, whenever needed.


Do you know how much fructose you are eating?

From a historical point of view, fruits and honey were the only fructose-rich foods in our diet. In the 17th century the average sugar intake of each person was as low as 5 g per day. Big changes of dietary habits only occurred after the industrial scale production of sugar from sugar cane or sugar beets. Suddenly, sugar was available to everyone in large quantities – at low costs.
